Saturday, February 6, 2010

Storm Wrap Up

Ok, I'm inside warming up and letting the wine soothe the aches an pains. Totals at our house are about 23.5" out in the middle of the field, but I know I walked through some deeper spots today that came half way up my thigh. I'll have to go and measure those tomorrow.

The snow is heavy. And slippery. And a royal pain to get off the road. I'll post pictures of the tractor work tomorrow, but just think scoop, dump, backup, scoop, dump, backup for 3/4 of a mile through 2+ feet of snow. About 1/2 way done now I guess, hopefully tomorrow goes faster. I doubt it since everything is freezing solid tonight.

Power went out last night about 9? Kids camped in front of the woodstove with the dogs. Dug my way into the barn this morning and got the generator out and hooked up to make a fresh cup of coffee. Some of the neighbors don't have woodstoves or generators and were getting pretty cold by this evening when the power finally came back on.

The important thing is the girls are having fun:

Well, that and the house hasn't collapsed under the weight yet. The girl on the right is the granddaughter of our neighbor, they were building quite the snow fort up at their house.

I did see a bunch of pine trees down, and personally lost some holly trees. Maybe Bettica Services will get some work out of this storm? Next year Bettica Services will be offering plowing for sure....

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