Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Love February

It was 70 degrees and sunny here today. The last vestiges of ice are still hanging on in the corners of the ponds and lakes, but the thaw is in full swing. I'm sure we are going to pay for it in a couple of weeks with a blizzard dumping a couple feet of snow. Wow, I can only hope. The best of both worlds! Anyhow....I took advantage of the weather to fit in 30 min of running:

Yes, I did take a picture of my running shoes upside down. And no, I didn't feel like rotating the picture before uploading. I drove the route when I was done to see how far I had gone, turns out it was a bit shy of 3 miles, but it did have hills. I've got a long ways to go to get back to high school cross country shape.


  1. Eh, why bother? We all know that "runner's high" comes after you've stopped running. You can get that same feeling by not running in the first place.
