Sunday, February 22, 2009

Catching Up

It's been awhile since I've found time to post. But I have been a bit busy. Let me catch up now...

First, last Sunday my buddy (as in dive buddy, climbing buddy, keep me alive buddy) Jason and I climbed and brought four trees down in pieces at his bro-in-law's house. I need to get goggles like he has. Here he is ready to start the day:

We've also bought a new LCD television for the sunroom. Mainly so we don't get bored on the elliptical. However, Erin has this thing about wires running down the wall, so I needed to run some sort of conduit through the wall. Of course, things got ugly as it used to be an exterior wall and out came the sawzall. Who's afraid now???

We considered getting cable after all these years, but when the little rabbit ears picked up decent digital channels, we decided to go all out and install a real antenna. Now we're picking up loads of channels, including all the major networks in HD.

While I was up on the roof, it was time to reshingle a couple spots where plumbing vents used to come through but had been temporarily sealed with ziploc bags and electrical tape (5 years ago). It was way overdue as when I touch them they disintegrated into dust. Ah, nothing like roofing at sunset -- when it's 30 degrees out.Look who came home during my mess....

Today I finished the roofing and among other things washed Erin's car and the van. The truck and yellow car were last week, so all are relatively clean. Most haven't seent a hose for about 6 months or so. But the temperature kept dropping, and you can see what happens when the car you are washing starts to freeze:
Now we whip out some pizza's for dinner, drink a couple bottles of vino and watch LOTR. Talk about your perfect weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Um...can you please have a conversation with Rich about LOTR? He still hasn't seen it. The one time he agreed to watch it with me, he fell asleep less than half an hour in and hasn't agreed to watch it again. Sigh.
